Why „theaesthetics“?
27. June 2019
Both the market of aesthetic medicine, as well as the...
For a woman, undergoing breast surgery is often a step that is preceded by a long decision-making process. Often years pass between the first thought of an operation and the first consultation with a plastic surgeon. It is therefore only understandable that the patient has informed herself beforehand on the Internet or among acquaintances.
However, every woman and every breast is unique and individual and therefore you can’t just say across the board, “My friend has 300ml silicone implants and they look great and that’s why I want to have 300ml put in too.” There are certain factors that a good plastic surgeon must address.
One is the implant shape and width. They determine how the breast can be shaped. This means that a much larger projection can be achieved with a narrow breast with a 300ml silicone implant than can be achieved with a wide breast with 300ml. In this aforementioned case, the implant width for the narrow breast is a smaller one, but in return, the implant is higher and thus more projection is created towards the front. It is therefore important to understand that different implant shapes produce different projections.
Secondly, the initial situation of the breast to be operated on is an important factor. Here it is important to consider how much breast tissue is present. One and the same implant can produce a different shape and size of breast depending on the breast tissue. An implant of 300ml will achieve a size of 400ml with a breast tissue of 100ml and a size of 500ml with a breast tissue of 200ml. The example can also be looked at the other way round. If a result of 400ml is to be achieved and the patient already has 100ml of breast tissue, an implant size of 300ml is chosen. However, if there is 300ml of breast tissue, an implant of 100ml is chosen.