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Lip injections – LipFlip 2.0

Lip Flip 2.0 – Lippen aufspritzen ohne Schnabel – Dr. Katrin Bartsch

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We are all familiar with the phenomenon of “inflatable lips” and the associated question of what the doctor and the wearer were thinking.

It is a much discussed treatment in the media, especially known through negative examples from the tabloids.

Can the desire for fuller & beautiful lips also be fulfilled with a natural result? YES!

With a lot of experience and sophisticated techniques, completely natural results can be achieved.
We work with absorbable (dissolving) substances, such as various hyaluronic acids.

Inspired by Leonardo DaVinici’s “Golden Section”, the proportions (1:1.6) of the face are individually analyzed and measured from patient to patient. The focus is not only on the lip, but also on the corners of the mouth, the position of the teeth and jaw, and the relationship to the rest of the face. It is literally a made-to-measure treatment.

Before and After Pictures

Filler lips
Filler lip
Filler lips
Filler lips
Filler lips
Filler lips
Lip filler
Lip filler
Hyaluronsäure Filler & Botulinumtoxin | Lip Flip
Hyaluronic acid in lips
Hyaluronic acid in lips
Lip Flip
Filler Lips