Capsular fibrosis after breast augmentation

KAPSELFIBROSE nach BRUSTVERGRÖSSERUNG: Wie hoch ist das Risiko? doc.rolf


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Capsular fibrosis after breast augmentation is a risk, but only occurs in a very small percentage of cases. The capsular fibrosis rate in our patients is less than 1 percent. Neither you nor the doctor are to blame if you develop capsular fibrosis.

But what is capsular fibrosis anyway? Capsular fibrosis is a complication that can occur in rare cases after breast augmentation or a breast lift with implants. It describes the excessive formation of a hard, connective tissue-like capsule around the breast implant. In the case of capsular fibrosis (capsular contracture), the body begins to envelop the implant with connective tissue. The immune system then reacts to the foreign object and attempts to isolate the “intruder” by forming a barrier of connective tissue. The reasons for the development of capsular fibrosis are not yet 100% clear. However, it is now assumed that a subclinical infection is present – i.e. an infection that never breaks out because the defense mechanisms prevail and eliminate the pathogen before it can trigger a disease.

Illustration: Kapselfibrose

How do I recognize capsular fibrosis & how is it diagnosed?
Capsular fibrosis can be detected by clinical palpation, the breast feels harder and there is often pain or deformation. Capsular fibrosis is difficult to detect with an ultrasound, X-ray or MRI. However, an implant rupture can be detected using these methods. If this is the case, the implants must be removed as quickly as possible.

When does capsular fibrosis occur?
Capsular fibrosis occurs – if at all – within the first few months up to a maximum of two years after the operation. It usually manifests itself in one breast being firmer than the other. This makes the breasts look and feel asymmetrical.

Will capsular fibrosis make me ill?
Capsular fibrosis is not dangerous per se. However, an examination by a plastic surgeon is necessary for further clarification. It is usually not an infection, but in many cases an aesthetic problem. However, severe capsular fibrosis (Baker scale 3 and 4) can cause pain because the fiber bundles pull on the surrounding tissue. Capsular fibrosis is often also caused by implant rupture. It is important to note that depending on the severity of the fibrosis – which is divided into 4 levels according to BAKER – different measures must be taken. The implant must be replaced in the long term, as pain can also develop over time.

Are there differences in severity?
Yes, the severity of fibrosis is differentiated according to four stages. In the first two stages, the patient feels nothing and pain only occurs from grade 3 onwards. At grade 4, there is a clear deformation of the affected breast.

Are there women who have a higher risk than others?
Yes, capsular fibrosis often occurs after radiotherapy for breast tumors. Therefore, foreign bodies should generally be avoided after breast cancer treatment. There is also an increased risk if there is heavy bleeding during the operation. Older implants are often smooth or very heavily textured, which in turn leads to a higher risk of capsular fibrosis. Recently, nanotextured implants have therefore been used, as these have the lowest risk of capsular fibrosis.

How is capsular fibrosis treated?
Capsular fibrosis can be treated in two ways. On the one hand through a so-called capsular disruption, and on the other hand through surgery. Capsule rupture involves attempting to rupture the capsule by applying pressure from the outside. This procedure is performed in twilight sleep. The ruptured capsule remains in the body, but capsule formation is stopped. Surgery is another possible treatment option: the implant and capsule are removed and replaced with a new implant.

Are there any guarantees that will minimize my costs if I get capsular fibrosis?
Yes, we offer the new guarantee program from JOY (Motiva), which covers a lifetime implant replacement in the event of rupture and a 10-year implant replacement in the event of BAKER 3 and BAKER 4 class capsular fibrosis. Information is available at our practice.


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KAPSELFIBROSE: Enbloc Entfernung des Brustimplantats, Straffung und Wiederaufbau

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Implant change / implant removal

VERPFUSCHTE Brustvergrösserung BOTCHED Brustimplantat ZU GROSS I DocRolf


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Nipple correction

Für eine schöne Brust sind nicht nur Form und Fülle wichtig, sondern ebenso eine ästhetische Brustwarze in der passenden Größe, Form und Positionierung. Die Korrektur der Brustwarzen und Brustwarzenhöfe sind in lokaler Betäubung möglich und beeinträchtigen nur in seltenen Fällen die Stillfunktion.

Brustwarzenkorrekturen sind jedoch nicht nur für Frauen interessant! So sind auch Männer von Verformungen betroffen, die in kleinen Eingriffen korrigiert werden können.

Before and After Pictures

Correction of inverted nipples
Nipple reduction
Hatch nipples
Nipple reduction
Nipple correction

Die Verkleinerung des Brustwarzenhofs erfolgt in den meisten Fällen im Zuge einer Bruststraffung- oder Vergrößerung. Möglich ist aber auch ein kleiner Eingriff mit einer örtlichen Betäubung, bei dem ein feiner Schnitt um den Brustwarzenvorhof (der Areola) geführt wird und so die gewünschte Brustwarzengröße angepasst wird.


Die Ursachen eingezogener Brustwarzen – Schlupfwarzen (Englisch auch inverted nipple) sind vielfältig und oft die Folge von zu kurzen Milchdrüsengängen oder Vernarbungen, die von Stillperioden, der Genetik oder Brustentzündungen ausgewirkt wurden. Die Brustwarze verschwindet dabei oftmals sogar hinter der Brustoberfläche. In einem ambulanten Eingriff werden die verkürzten Milchdrüsengänge getrennt und mit Hilfe einer speziellen Nahttechnik fixiert, sodass die Brustwarze im Anschluss dauerhaft außen stehen bleibt.

Behandlungskosten: ab € 1.600,-


Vor allem längere Stillperioden und auch die genetische Veranlagung können dazu führen, dass die Brustwarze zu lang erscheint, und ein ästhetisches Problem darstellt. Dies kann man in einem kleinen Eingriff schnell beheben: nach lokaler Betäubung wird das überschüssige Gewebe der Brustwarze zuerst markiert, und anschließend vorsichtig die Haut des markierten Areals „abgeschält“. Danach näht man die so verkürzte Brustwarze wieder an den Brustwarzenhof an. Sensibilität und Stillfähigkeit bleiben dabei erhalten.

Ablauf Brustwarzenverkürzung
Ablauf Brustwarzenverkürzung

Behandlungskosten: ab € 1.600,- 


Jede Form der Brustwarzenkorrektur kann, wenn nicht in Kombination mit einem weiteren Eingriff, in einer örtlichen Betäubung durchgeführt werden. Der Bereich der Naht darf ca. 7 Tage nicht nass werden, weshalb von starker körperlicher Anstrengung in diesem Zeitraum abgeraten wird. Jedoch ist kein Ausfall im Beruf oder sonstigen Tätigkeiten nötig.


Breast enhancement after pregnancy

Video: Brustvergrößerung – Die 3D Simulation – so sieht meine Brust nach der OP aus


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Breast lift


With increasing age, after pregnancies or strong weight fluctuations, the female breast loses fullness, shape and elasticity. A breast lift is one way to restore this.

Possibilities of a breast lift:

Breast lift without implants if there is sufficient breast tissue
Breast lift with simultaneous breast augmentation with an implant
Breast lift in the course of breast reduction


Many patients have the desire for firm, toned breasts after pregnancy or heavy weight loss. In a comprehensive initial consultation we clarify whether your wish coincides with the medical and technical possibilities – we must have a common goal. With the help of state-of-the-art 3D simulation, you can see what the breast may look like after the lift. If you have decided on a lift with an implant, you can compare the sizes of the implants and see how your desired breast could look after the operation. You get personal access to your simulations and can even access them from anywhere using your smartphone. This allows you to discuss a possible outcome with your partner or confidant in a very realistic way.


With the right surgical technique and the right implant, I can achieve a beautiful and natural result. The breast is lifted, sagging glandular tissue is put back in the right place, the excess skin is removed and the nipple is lifted. The result is a fuller and firmer décolleté.

There are two types of application techniques:

  • The first technique is called the “periareolar incision technique”. Here, an incision is made around the areola. In this way, the areola can be reduced in size and proportionally adapted to the breast size. This technique is suitable if there is little excess skin and the breast is only moderately pendulous.
  • Another technique is called “tightening with a T-cut”. Here the incisions run around the areola, straight down into the underbust crease and horizontally in the breast crease. This technique is used for reductions or when there is more sagging skin and breast tissue.

We decide together which technique is right for you individually depending on the extent of the lift. A lift restores shape, but fullness can only be restored through volume.


The breast lift procedure takes place in Vienna in a day clinic and under general anaesthesia. My claim: precision and safety during the operation. I have over 13 years of experience in breast surgery and have performed over 1000 operations. The well-rehearsed surgical team is complemented by experienced anaesthetists who will look after you safely during the entire procedure. An overnight stay in the clinic is rarely necessary nowadays for medical reasons. Our patients are happy to stay overnight if the journey is long or if you simply want a night’s rest from everyday life. You will be fit for social life after 1-2 days and for work after 1 to 2 weeks, but you should refrain from sporting activities and rest for the first 6 weeks. For optimal results, a sports bra will be fitted after the operation and should be worn for six weeks. Proper scar care is very important and ensures an improved, beautiful skin appearance.

If you are prone to increased scarring, we can treat this with laser and medical needling (cost € 90,- per session).

My team and I are always available for you should you have any questions. You can always reach me on my mobile number after the operation, even at night. Further check-up appointments in my surgery are important in order to optimally accompany the healing process and will be arranged with you before the operation.

After a successful operation and waiting for the healing process, you will have no pain, can breastfeed and do sports without any problems.



From now on, you can easily create the 3D simulation of your breast yourself from home:

Upload 3 photos of your patient (left profile, portrait and right profile)