How to correct torn or overstretched earlobes?
Earlobes are not unimportant for beauty. Jewelry also brings earlobes into focus. In the following blog and Youtube video, Dr. Rolf Bartsch explains the different stages of “tearing” and discusses options for correction.
Medical reconstructive earlobe correction can have different degrees:
The earlobe is partially torn after being pierced for earrings or piercings, and the earring therefore no longer holds in its original position.
The earlobe is completely torn, caused by an accident (getting caught in clothing, children have pulled on it, or similar).
The earlobe has been intentionally massively and increasingly stretched by wearing special jewelry.
Depending on how much the earlobe is stretched, whether it is only partially or completely torn, there are different techniques under local anesthesia to reconstruct the earlobe.
This procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis in the office, that is, without hospitalization.
We recommend wearing a band-aid for a few days, the scar may be visible for a few months.
A new stitching after such a reconstructive-medical procedure is possible again after 3-6 months – depending on the healing condition.
Earlobe stitching: one-sided € 490,- / both-sided € 690,-.
Torn earlobe: one-sided € 690,- / both-sided € 990,-
Earlobe overstretched (reconstruction): one-sided: € 890,- / both-sided € 1.390,-